Thursday, October 6, 2011

Monday, October 3, 2011

The Journeys of Life

     Sometimes we feel we are on a journey,
 the journey leads us to many places

as we pass through life we encounter many obstacles and tests,
  the reality is, we are really blessed
there are plateaus and valleys, mountain and deserts, rivers and ocean to cross
 we may not be able to avoid them but we can be strong enough to pull through them
before you get to the top of the plateau you must fight the steep walls, cavities, cracks, and loose rocks
 that deny you access to come up
the tests of the valley, is the ease to get down but the challenge to get back out,
 fighting the  incline, through thorn bushes ,thick shrubs and beware of that one poisonous bush
the tests of the mountains are the unexpected rains, the cold and the snow, wind and even fires.
try to stay dry, try to stay warm
the tests of the desert is the heat, lack of water, spiritual strength to believe,
but you see what you want to see when it may be nothing more than a mirage.
The tests of the river is the water currents that you don’t see
because you’re so blinded by the scenery until it pulls you in directions that you don’t want to go
 once you’re being pulled out of your control there is little hope you will get out on your own
the tests of the ocean are lifelong the crashing waves,
the depths that you wish you could touch,
the cold empty waters and the energy to fight the waves until it Is your time to go.